Alright. Today has the potential to majorly suck. I work three to midnight. I am anticipating hours upon hours of over-caffeinated children and parents asking if we have free candy for the kids (which they've been doing since Thursday, even though we are a GD gas station). I can do this. At least that's what I keep telling myself. I am bringing my NaNo workbook. I doubt I'll have much time to work on it, but if the opportunity arises, I want to take advantage of it.
Yeah, so the optimism is totally a front. I'm not looking forward to today one bit. But that's okay because I'll get home shortly after midnight, log online, and head to Tina's NaNo Kick-Off Extravaganza Party Thing (not the official title). Don't wait for me to show up because the fun starts at 11pm ET. Binge on candy and get ready for the gates to open at midnight (unless you live in the frontier and have to wait as we "Easterners" unlock our brains and pour them out onto our desks (think Cadbury Egg)). <---what are the rules re: multi-layered parentheses?
Even if you're not doing NaNo, come by and haggle (or encourage) us. I'd love to see what you are doing with your November (perhaps growing a beard).
Oh, and