Jul 28, 2011

Oops...She Did it Again (Anita Laydon Miller's Sophomore E-Book)

Anita Laydon miller is preparing her second novel for release within the next few weeks.

Do you remember the first time Anita e-pubbed?? Boy, alien twin, NORAD, adventure, garden of the gods, E.T. royalty?! Remember?!?!

This time, Anita is going girl and mystery. Check out the first chapter at her middle grade blog and I dare you to tell me that you don't want to read the rest of the book now.

Also, go back a few posts and join the conversation about reaching middle graders in today's world. We'd love to hear your thoughts! 


  1. JONATHON: Thank you! I love A SCARY GOOD BOOK...is that rude of me to say?! It's just that it's the kind of book I devoured when I was a girl. Lots of mystery with a little bit of romance and a subplot I like almost as much as the main plot. My big hope for it is that PEOPLE READ IT, so thanks again for getting the word out.

  2. I love A SCARY GOOD BOOK, too! The first chapter is so well written. I want to read MORE! Congrats, Anita!!

  3. Anita and Kelly - I'm lucky to have friends who are easy to promote!

  4. I like how your blog is looking now that you've recovered from the snafu of losing all your pics.

  5. Awesome! I'm gonna check it out! And love what you've done to the place, Jon! As always!!

