Jan 17, 2011

Monday Meeting

It's time for start holding myself more accountable and I present to you a Monday Meeting post where I outline the week's goals.

Monday: Write 500 words, work 4-10

Tuesday: Bike for 30 min, write 250 words, class 11-9, host TPR* at 10pm

Wednesday: Run with dogs, write 500 words, work 11:30-4:30, work on homework

Thursday: Bike 30 mins, write 250 words, class 11-5, host TPR* at 10pm

Friday: Run with dogs, write 1000 words, probably work 4-10

*The Practice Room is the awesomest place where you unplug for an hour and then reconvene to chat about your successes and troubles with writing. Or life, either way, it's super. Join me for my first time as host on Tuesday at 10pm ET and my second time as host on Thursday at 10pm ET.

Random things:

So far, I owe $29 to Room to Read. Not too shabby, I feel. That means that of the last sixteen days, I have gone four days without writing. This may not be too altruistic, but my cap for the month is going to be $5, so I have one day of floundering left. I will donate my January total + the $25 base on February 1. For the rest of the year, I will be donating a dollar per day, if I fail to write anything. In my personal resolution, blogging does not count.

I have to complete at least twenty hours of classroom observation for my Intro to Ed class. I am a little nervous to be barging in on an English classroom full of teenagers. If you're a teacher, do you have experience being a CT (cooperating teacher)? If so, what have been the best and worst things to come from hosting your classroom to an observer. I have not chosen the school that I'd like to go to fulfill my requirement, but there are only five high schools around here to choose from. I could choose the one I went to myself, but then I'd run the risk of running into a million people I know.

My health resolution for 2011 is to eat things like oatmeal and smoothies. I have gone one day without eating one or the other (or both). For me, that's astonishing because I typically eat crappy food, or engorge myself on semi-healthy food.

I am listening to No Doubt's The Beacon Street Collection because my iTunes told me I should.

Anything else you'd like to know about? What about you? Are you holding yourself accountable? If not, don't do it for me, do it for yourself.


  1. No worries on the observation hours Jon. You'll be fine, I have no doubt..just let them see your humor and remember that you (the teacher) are actually in charge :D And Dude! I hav been bad, bad, bad about my writing - but I made up for it yesterday with many many words.

    Good luck on everything this week.

  2. I can't wait for No Doubt's new album this year!
    I like how you make daily exercise and writing goals. My exercise today will be shoveling snow three times (once done already).
    Is your TPR Thursday at 10pm Central? Evenings tend to be easier for me, so I think I can do that!
    When I did my observations, I observed grade schoolers, so less daunting. But I loved it. I've never been a cooperating teacher though.
    Good luck with your goals!

  3. I love the idea of making yourself accountable to your goals - whoops, let me try that again, "making myself accountable to my goals." Okay, off to work on that! Thanks for the inspiration,

  4. Yes! I totally envy your "running with dogs" thing. Don't know why, but when I read that, both times, I went "ahhh, I wanna go." Except I hate running. AND, I live a little bit far to join you for your runs. Sad, I know.

    I am totally accountable. I've got a couple peeps who I check in with every day. We send each other our word counts and last lines every night. Very fun and encouraging. Oh, and we tweet incessantly. It's awesome. :)

    Have a great week, Jon!

  5. Dude, you are totally off to a great start with the new year. Have fun with the classroom observation. It'll be a kick.

  6. Sounds like you have a lot going on, so it's great that you've been doing so much writing! As painful as sticking to your goals can be, isn't it so satisfying when you actually keep up with them?

  7. Sounds like you are on the same page as me with your goals - balancing writing with exercise. I'm getting out of "chair pose" more and putting my pedometer to use.
    Good luck with your clasroom observation!

  8. Wow! YOu're busy. Hmmm...yes, very good at holding self accountable. I try not to do it to a fault, where I'm giving up fun, spur-of-moment opportunities. Truthfully, I'd rather write than pretty much anything, and I'm not even certain I'm good at it=scary!

  9. I love how you've adjusted goals based on how busy that day will be. Great plan! I've been getting exercise in as well--which is a first for me--it's always been writer OR exercise. This year we're both doing both. Go US!

  10. Look at you, being all healthy with the eating and exercise and everything. And the school and everything! You rock. I totally missed the practice room last night because I had critique group, but I should be there tomorrow!

  11. Those are super goals, J!! Love it. Not only are you writing, but you're getting healthy and fit. I know this will have serious side effects of contentedness. Just think of where you'll be a year from now. I'm digging the accountability, too. You're like Super J now.

  12. you goals are awesome! I wish I was as goal-oriented as you. My goals for the day (while sick) have been to just get through the day. But that's all changing now that I have my voice back and I'm all hooked up with the meds!!
    I'm back, baby! (...and I'm supposed to be unplugged..oops...see you in 15 min)

  13. Congrats for putting your goals out there! You'll make it. Just be sure to be good to yourself along the way.

    Oatmeal... I love me some porridge! Nuts, sunflower seeds, cascading yogurt, cinnamon... Oatmeal... of course it'll be a great year!

