Jan 8, 2011

What else is there to do after a foot of snow has fallen?

Sunday Update:

blog - check

sled - check

snow angels - snow is too deep

write - oh, duh  <---I've been writing in a healthy manner. I consider a healthy manner to be steady, not fiend-like and not-pulling-out-hair-like. It feels good to feel comfortable about where I am in my writing. If I only knock out 500 words, like I did the other day, I am still happy. On Wednesday I broke a new record, which was AWESOME. And it's all thanks to Resolution2011 (I see Heather put in her token donation of $25, which I'll do at the end of the month along with my January indiscretion totals.) owe $1

drink coffee with Bailey's - so gonna happen tonight nope

play Apples to Apples - coincides with the above task check!

Happy Saturday to you!

Pictures of our fun:


  1. Oh yes, I hear you. I've also decided that it works best for me if I write steady and not, as you put it so well, fiend-like or pulling hair. Happy snow day and enjoy that Baileys!

  2. I'd be happy with 500 words, too! It's progress. Snow too deep for snow angels? Boo.

  3. love you cutie--happy saturday to you too!

  4. Enough snow to PLAY. Love that. So glad the Resolution experiment is going well. I am surprised now when I feel good on the days that I write, and the days that I don't. It's magic.

  5. Welcome back, sweets. It's good to see you on here. What a cool outing. I love sledding!

    So happy you've found some time to write. I just saw your email on the resolution. It got buried and I missed it...so sorry, love. :( Is it too late for me? Can I jump on board?

  6. Sledding is fun! It's just the trek up the hill every time! Beautiful pics! Happy writing!

  7. Awesome pictures!! I have been a little bit of a slacker with writing for the past several days. But, since Jan 1 I have gotten in 6 days - so that IS something!

  8. Wish we could find a snow hill like that to sled down.

