Sheri Larsen invited a slew of us to collectively write about the National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence (Australia*). Here's a great resource:
Were you bullied as a child?
Of course you were. We all were.
I was the target for many people. I was poor, gay, skinny, clumsy, had weird hair, and wore glasses by the beginning of 9th grade. I figured it was all okay though. My teachers did not seem to care. My gym teacher certainly didn't care that I was periodically pantsed on the soccer field. Or if he did, he never spoke up about it.
I was okay with being bullied.
Here's the thing: bullying is not okay! We as adults have a responsibility to be aware of what is going on around us. With the advent of cyber-bullying, it is harder than ever for us to know what is happening to the kids around us.
It's easy for adults to talk to kids about sports and good grades, but do not forget the importance of bringing up bullying. You could prevent bullying from happening on both ends.
Check out posts from some writer friends:
Talli Roland -
LM Preston -
Donna Martin -
Sheri Larsen -
Candace Granger -
Jonathon Arntson -
Nicole Zoltack -
Jessica Bell -
Dawn Dalton -
PK Hrezo -
* This post is just another way in which I live vicariously through the Australians.