Oct 2, 2012

Rainbows and Butterflies

I am currently working on my application for admission to a few universities. The first wave is Michigan State University, the University of Michigan, and Wayne State University. Each one is a powerhouse in its own way. I am hoping to get into all three so that I may chose which wave of energy I want to ride. Of course, the dilemma is that I am not sure what I want to do. That reminds me: I have a very important call to make.

I have a crazy-strong fear of talking on the phone. I cannot even order a flippin' pizza over the phone without feeling grave anxiety. Most of my fears have a definite beginning (crustaceans, dark water, turtles), but I cannot figure out the origins of this phone fear.

They say hypnosis can reveal the origins of a fear and help you to get over the fear. Of course, they say practice will too. Consider Bem's Theory of self-perception which basically says that you will adopt an attitude if you act out the behavior. If you act confidently, you will indeed become confident. If you act like a whore, you will indeed become a whore. Okay, maybe that's not what he had in mind. If you think about rainbows and butterflies all day, then you will turn into rainbows and butterflies. Is that it?

So, if I make this Super Important Career-Defining Phone Call, and act all confident in the beginning, I will become confident without even noticing. Clearly, I need to make the effing call. And I will. But first, I need to expend some negative energy from my brain.


  1. dude, me too on the phone thing - only mine is an anxiety, not a fear, and idk if hypnotism fixes that. Also, I saw a hypnotist about my driving anxiety issues a few years ago, and ... I haven't driven in 8 years. So. I don't really believe in the whole hypnotism thing anymore. Embrace online pizza ordering. It makes life so much more tolerable.

    1. Last time I tried to do that the restaurant was out of pan crust, but since it was online, the computer just kept denying my request.

  2. I spend all day on the phone at work, and I can't stand it. I hate phones. I even hate talking to people I love on the phone. I'm not sure what's wrong with me.

    1. Oh, loved ones are the hardest to talk to on the phone. You can see their face.

  3. Your "Bem's Theory" is really true. I was actually shy until I started pretending I wasn't. Then I snagged an amazing lady and life got SO much better.

    OWN that pizza call, man!

  4. I hate the phone too. Skyping is so much better. *hint* :) That's a gross pic, btw.

    Love that you are applying to schools--sweet!

  5. hate the phone thing as well, but the best way to deal is to just make a LOT of calls. Try making at least three a day. Not friends either. Call businesses and just ask random questions like directions, or if they know anything about some policy or whatever. Just so you're calling a random person and talking briefly every day. Do it for a month and I bet that while it'll never be pleasant, it'll get easier.

  6. Hope your call went well. I worked in fundraising for WMU--calling people to ask for money. Since then, other phone calls have been a LOT easier. What I hate most is leaving voice mail messages. I ALWAYS say something stupid, in the most stupid voice possible. Thank goodness most people don't even listen to messages anymore.

