That post title could lead into so many things. I bet most of you thought I'd be talking about cutting things off my to-do list. Au contraire, my friends. I am adding to my to-do list because apparently I want it to not only cover the circumference of this planet but also those of the other 7 (8?) planets in the solar system.
So what is it that I am adding to my to-do list? More like, what am I not adding.
Okay, okay, I'm getting to the point: I want to make social networking my bitch!
Go make me a sandwich, Zuckerberg! (btw, the soundtrack to your unauthorized biopic is mind-blowing)
You see, dear readers, I have been meaning to conquer social networking sites for two years now. I want them working for me and not the other way around.
Twitter is the easiest to conquer, but I still have opportunities there - blankets to nest in.
Facebook changes every seven days, so that has been a game of cat and mouse. meow.
Google+...I have no effing idea what to even say about that maze. Where's my f*cking cheese, yo?!
tumblr, LinkedIn, and the others can stay in the background for now. I don't have energy for those.
What am I forgetting??? Oh yeah, perhaps my best friend, or what should be, this place: Am I using this platform to its fullest potential? Not by any means. What else can I do?
Enough questions. My new goal is to find the damn answers.
The correct answer does not involve sacrificing things from my to-do list - I need to multi-task like my mother did while doing the dishes, yelling at the five of us kids, and carrying on a lovely conversation about hydrangeas on the telephone. What I mean to say is adding this social networking challenge to my list cannot make me into a monster. I need to gracefully multitask. I shall plie and/or curtsy after completing each task.
The point of all this, I need to find an offering for the tech gods as I take on this social networking endeavor. At first I was thinking a lamb, but I hear the tech gods have a thing for circuit boards. I am heading to the basement to look through the boxes marked RELICS OF THE 1980's AND 90's. Oh, look, a bag phone!
This open-ended series between Heather and me is sure to be interesting. Please join us in any fashion by giving us advice or posting your own trials and tribulations of sticking it to the tech gods.
But, seriously, who moved my cheese?