Apr 21, 2010

#05 Favorite Song of All-Time

We're halfway there!

The Postal Service has been one of my fave bands since 2003, when they released their only album Give Up.  I have been hoping and praying for a sophomore, but in the meantime, the lead singer has been busy building my number two favorite band who, coincidentally, sings my #02 favorite song.

This is not the music video because they cut the song short by two minutes, so you're listening to the album version and if you don't turn the sound all the way up you'll miss some of the song (but I really advise you to invest in a copy on iTunes):

"We Will Become Silhouettes" The Postal Service

another TPS great:

 Hell, I might as well post the musicvid from their most famous song"

Hint for tomorrow: -M&K:-


  1. I haven't heard of this band...but now I know who the #2 song is by!!! (DCFC!)
    This song reminded me a bit of "Owl City" with the sound of his voice and all the electronica.

  2. I can't listen to these at work but thanks for sharing Jon.

    I've never heard of this band so I will have to look into them. I always love discovering new musical acts.

    Today's guest blogger is Michelle McLean!

  3. I love the Postal Service. Yoga teachers always choose Such Great Heights. Discovered them from the Garden State sound track. But not # 5 for me.

    Matthew, I like your comment solution. Very nice!!

  4. Tina - The number five status is mostly based off the nostalgia aspect, not necessarily my thoughts on how great of a song it is. This is the song that lead me to TPS and then to Ben Gibbard and then to dc4c and then to Zooey Deschanel, Iron and Wine, Modest Mouse, and well, my entire musical taste is based of the fact that I heard this song after a Good Charlotte song and I never looked back.

  5. Kelly - At first, I thought comparing TPS to Owl City was insulting, but given his popularity, I changed my mind. Sorry, but I cannot stand the Owl City stuff. I think if you delve into more TPS stuff, you'll see Ben goes way deeper. Plus, it came a decade before.

  6. Matt - I also love discovering new acts. Hang around here after the countdown and you'll pick some up, for sure.

  7. Oh man, Such Great Heights was my song obsession the week I flew off to England for my college study abroad... makes me so happy listening to it again :) Awesome music choices, as always!

    And YAY for M&K!

  8. Also, FYE, Kate Nash's sophomore album came out on Tuesday.

  9. I love the Postal Service! We seem to have similar taste in music.

